All Japan Soudo Federation
English Official Website
What is soudo?
Soudo originated from the experiences of the samurai who trained to use “wasou” (Japanese spears) in combat. The samurai thereby acquired a distinctive appreciation of the “principles of the spear”. It is believed that through learning soudo one is able to gain an understanding of the “principles of the spear”. It is important to study the spirit of the samurai which is related to these principles, and can be learned through rigorous training in the use of the spear. This is why the objective of soudo is referred to as being a Way to develop the human character.
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■Ranks and Titles in soudo
In April 2015, the regulations for awarding titles and ranks were established, with Hando being the highest rank attainable. Ranks represent technical proficiency in soudo, while titles represent a person's overall completeness as a practitioner of soudo, including their leadership and knowledge. The registration and issuance of certificates for those who pass the exams for ranks and titles is conducted by the All Japan Soudo Federation.
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■Establishment of Forms in Japanese Soudo
Soujutsu was divided into numerous schools with different forms since its inception. In order to promote and develop soudo in the future, it was recognized that there was a need to select common forms that should be based on the individual forms of each school. Therefore, in April 2015, a total of 19 forms of Japanese Soudo, including 11 basic forms for straight spears and 8 forms for curved spears, were established.
What is onodo?
Onodo is an art in which a practitioner wields a 128cm long and 2.4cm diameter ono (axe). More than just for attacking, the ono is used to control the opponent in response to their movements.
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Onodo is a discipline with ten basic techniques and ten applied techniques based on striking and parrying. The "All Japan Soudo Federation Onodo" was established. In Onodo, two participants perform a demonstration by alternating between executing and blocking prescribed techniques.

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All Japan Soudo Federation